Paid surveys are an easy way to make money online. What can be easier than getting paid for your opinion! You don’t need to be an expert on how to make money online to be able to take advantage of this opportunity. However, its not always easy to find legitimate paid surveys sites to work for. Since online surveys are so popular amongst people, specially amongst work at home job seekers, Report Scam and get your money back have been taking advantage of the opportunity to cash in.
That’s why there are probably more paid survey scams out there, than the real thing. If you are thinking of doing online surveys as a way to make some extra money, it would be vise to do some research first about each paid survey site you would like to register with. Here are 5 ways you can find out if a survey site is a legitimate paid survey site or just another one of those paid surveys scams:
Check with the BBB One of the best ways to find out about legitimacy of a paid survey site, is to check with the BBB. You can use BBB to check for possible complaints against the specific paid survey site you are researching about. But, keep in mind that just because there are no complaints against a specific survey site, it doesn’t mean all is ok. Sometimes it just means people who have use those sites haven’t had a chance to report a complain.
Whois lookup Most paid survey scams sites and any other scam site for that matter, use proxies to register their sites. By using proxies, scammers are able to hide their real contact information. Whois allows you to find out if a site was registered using proxy or not. If the site you are searching for was indeed registered using proxy, there is a good chance the owner of the site and the site itself are up to no good.
Scam revealing forums There are many great online forums and sites dedicated to exposing scams, where members talk about there experience with different sites. If you are worried about the legitimacy of a paid survey site, look for more info on scam forums such as and Chances are you will find people who have previously used the site and have experienced it first hand. Of course, like most other things, scammers use these forums to promote their sites as well. So, don’t run to register with the site, as soon as you read a positive comment about a paid survey site.