New York architects base their fees on several different factors. While many people think that architect fees are too high, they actually are a relatively small part of the overall building budget. The reason why the fees seem so high to many people is that they are one of the first cost people see. However, you have to consider that you are paying for quality work and treat the cost as an investment.
Often times, architects base their fees on the scope of work and complexity of the project. What clients want to accomplish determines the scope and complexity of a project. A residential project will differ in complexity from a commercial project. Architects also have to consider the type of jurisdictional reviews the project has to go through to be approved and the time it will take.
Architects have three ways in which they can charge you. The first way is through the percentage of the overall construction cost. The preliminary budget is set and a certain percentage will go towards paying the architect. Usually, commercial projects pay a higher percentage than residential projects.
The second method is a lump sum payment. The payment is based on the architect’s experience with the type of project you want to build. There should not be any extra charges added to the lump sum at a later date, unless it is something you and the architect discussed beforehand.Finally, architects can charge by the hour. Architects will estimate how long a project will take and give you an hourly fee.
While many people believe architect fees are too high, keep in mind that architects can also save you money. When you are paying an architect, you are not only paying for their skills and experience. You are also paying for their knowledge. Architects are very knowledgeable about materials that will not be as costly to maintain, as others will in the long run. They are also very familiar with the different energy efficient options that can lower your future energy costs.
When looking at architects, make sure to ask them how they will base their fees. Also, ask how they are planning to charge you. It is important to understand that you are paying for an architect’s skills, experience and knowledge. You are not just paying for plans and drawings. An architect is there to give you advice and ensure that you are given a quality, long-lasting and timeless building