A fake orgasm is something which women use to make their partner not feel sexually old ironside fakes ph inadequate in front of them. Fake orgasms are becoming more and more prevalent nowadays with the modern society. But the main question is how to spot a fake orgasm? Well fake orgasms can be hard to spot if the woman is good at faking it and have been doing it regularly. But there are some common signs which would help you spot a fake orgasm. Read on to find out 5 proven ways to spot a fake orgasm.
Magic’s not there- She is definitely faking an orgasm if you feel that magic is not there. She would most probably have a blank look on her face and some dissatisfaction would be visible due to her faking the whole act.
She would not close her legs- When women fake an orgasm they do not close their legs after they’re done. When the orgasm is real they would normally close their legs immediately and push you away slightly. This is due to the feeling they get after they have had a real orgasm and not a fake one.
She looks uneasy- Normally when women fake an orgasm they tend to look more uneasy and unrelaxed after the whole act. She would not be her true normal self after she has actually faked an orgasm.
Catch the lie- Most women fake orgasms just to make it obvious to their partners that they were good. She would most probably lie to you that it was good whereby the fact being that she faked her orgasm. She would have a blank plain look on her face when she would praise you and there will be a lack of true feeling in it.
She wouldn’t be powerless- Most women tend to go powerless when they have had a real orgasm. If she seems as energetic as ever even after hours of action than she most probably had a fake orgasm. But the best way to truly find out whether she faked her orgasm or not is to talk to her about this. Discover what she likes and wants so that she never has to fake any orgasm again and you could have a great relationship. Go into each and every detail and be open with this subject. Let her be in control sometimes and satisfy her in every way possible.
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